
Steam Boiler & Water Treatment Chemicals

Steam Boiler & Water Treatment Chemicals

Here is our solutions for water treatment and steam boiler chemicals. These chemicals helps you to protect steam boiler and helps you for water treatment process.

KATYONIK POLIELECTROLIT -While the excess activated sludge taken from the sedimentation tank is pumped to the filter press or belt-press, cationic polyelectrolyte is added to the sludge line to dewater the sludge.

Cationic polyelectolite is widely used in sludge dewatering units of wastewater treatment plants.

ANIONIC POLIELECTROLIT - In wastewater treatment systems, anionic polyelectrolyte performs the flocculation process in the next stage after the coagulant process.

In chemical wastewater treatment plants, anionic polyelectrolyte is applied by making a solution with water, depending on the type of waste. It is a type of polymer used in the dewatering of sludge resulting from biological treatment processes. It is used in drinking water and wastewater treatment, Paper Industry, Petroleum Industry, Mining, Agriculture, Textile and Cosmetics industry.